Tips for Spring

Getting ready for summer! Lawn care tips for spring time!

When the warmer weather approaches, it’s time to get things ready for the summer sun. General lawn care spring clean-up will ensure no debris or unwanted items are on your property. Dead spots on your lawn could be caused from debris, as well as animal droppings and urine. If so, and especially if you have animal dropping and urine, you will want to flush your lawn and remove this waste. Flush out the area with lots of water as soon as the ground has thawed. Flushing should help the grass recover nicely, if not, you may need to re-seed/sod those dead spots.

Raking your lawn will not only remove dead debris (leaves, branches, rocks) but it will also remove any dead grass, however do not rake while your lawn is wet. Leaf rakes work the best, however if raking is not desired then mowing your lawn with a bag mower will work just as well.
Overseeding will help eliminate your bare patches. Overseeding begins with a fertilizer of the starter variety and then plant your seeds. Approximately five weeks after germination, you can apply a quick release nitrogen fertilizer.

From here fertilizer, a regular watering schedule, and proper care and attention when cutting, is what will give you a vibrant and healthy lawn for the summer season.